Performance Preparation

Original Strength Reset
- Cross Crawl - 20 per side
- Crocodile Breathing - 2 minutes
- Head Nods - 20 reps
- Rolling - 4 reps left and right first leading w/ arms then legs
- Rocking - 20 reps
- Crawling - 3 minutes
1 Arm Bar per side, 1 minute each w/ 20 lbs.
Simple and Sinister
- Two Hand Kettlebell Swings 2 x 10 x 35 lbs
- One Hand Kettlebell Swings 8 x 10 x 35 lbs L, R, L, R, L, R, L, R
- Turkish Get Ups 1 x 1 x 25 lbs per side
- Turkish Get Ups 4 x 1 x 35 lbs per side
Completed performance preparation without any added ab or strength work. Felt good and warm enough to take off my sweatshirt again. I may need to start upping the difficulty level of the Original Strength reset. I'll have to skim through the book (Pressing Reset, Original Strength Reloaded) again to see the progressions. Total prep time 20:21.
On to kettlebells. Same sets, weights and reps as yesterday. I think this third day at this level is enough. I'm going to do all my swings one handed & all sets of get ups w/ 35lb bell tomorrow. All sets and reps felt easy. All the swings were explosive. The get ups were solid. Total kettlebell time 20:36. Yesterday's step total was 10,589.
Check the sweat angel! You think 100 swings and 10 get ups isn't work? Even with a pretty light weight? Think again! I was sweating profusely, even in as noted above, 58F weather.
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